Friday, February 25, 2011

February 25, 2011

Thursday  2/24/11
I saw my Oncologist today - Dr. Ramshesh (who by the way is an awesome doctor).  She said my blood levels look good - although I am a little anemic - she will add iron to my chemo cocktail next week.  She also explained a little about what tests to expect in the near future.  I should have an ultra-sound between the 4th and 5th chemo treatments to check on tumor size.  She also explained that at that time I will also go back to the surgeon to talk about my options.  She has also ordered the genetic test to be run at the next blood draw.  The results of this test will help planning next steps - more to come when additional details are available.  Below are some pictures of the shenanigans that took place at the doctors office.  
I was freezing at the doctor's office

Seriously - how big is this gown?

Today Tommy Fuchs stopped by to say hello.  Tommy really seems to care about how Matt and I are doing and we really appreciate it!!  For those of you who know Tommy you may not believe this story, but he was wearing slacks and a button down shirt.  He didn’t disclose exactly why he was dressed this way -- I wonder if he dressed up because he planned to stop by for a visit ... have we had that profound of an impact on Tommy?  Nah ... I don’t think so.  
I have been receiving extremely thoughtful cards from everyone and some come with little gifts.  Today I received a very nice card with some buttons from my father and mother in law and they are so cute -- pictured below. 
Buttons from The Jordans :)

I also recently received something called “The healing scarf” from Lori and Rick Sanders.  It is a scarf that has psalms from the bible and healing messages written on it.  It is a very cool pink scarf - I LOVE IT!!
Due to illness I haven’t had a chance to run or exercise - but I hope to get out again soon.  
Sunday  2/20/11 - Tuesday 2/22/11
The hot water with honey and lemon started to help my voice by Sunday.  By Monday I called my oncologists’ office again to find a medicine that would help me sleep and they advised that I use Nyquil – and wouldn’t you know it Nyquil was the best thing EVER for me.  I have sleep 2 nights now and it was AWESOME!!
I know most of us have heard advice about how to recover from illness.  A while back, one of our friends (Mo Farrow) told us a story – that when she was little and would get sick.  She thought if she wished that someone else got sick she would get better, like passing a hot potato.  At the time I had never heard anything quite so innovative.  But honestly, I didn’t start feeling better until about Monday – which was the exact time that Matt started feeling sick.  So maybe there is some truth to Mo’s theory, that you get better only when someone else gets sick?!
Saturday  2/19/11
Saturday I showed no signs of improvement and seemed to actually be getting worse.  After a very negative reaction to over the counter medication, Matt called the doctor and they advised that I go into the clinic to see an Internal Medicine Doctor.  She prescribed an anti-biotic, but didn’t prescribe anything to help alleviate my cough / help me sleep.    She gave me a very limited list of over the counter medicine I could use – which I found out later was way too limited.  
A note about scales:  So today I was weighed at the doctors’ office and guess what?  I am not as heavy as I was told.  They weigh me each chemo treatment and I was much lighter at this doctors’ visit.  I think those scales in the infusion clinic need to be re-calibrated.  I am happy to report that I am only a little chunkier then when I started all of this.  :)   
Friday  2/18/11
So remember how Chemo makes you lose all your hair?  And remember how I shaved my head – buzz cut at the party?  Well it has been falling out ever since and I have been finding hair everywhere, on my sheets, on my clothes, on my face and even on my husband.  So this weekend I decided to shave my head with a straight razor.  So now I don’t even have a buzz – it is pretty wild walking around with no hair.  I have to say I get a lot more looks now then I did with the buzz cut.  My head is a lot shinier then I expected and the look itself takes some getting used to.  I have surprised myself more then once in the mirror - when I have forgotten about my new cut.  
Thursday  2/17/11
During Chemo your immunity is down and they advise you to do all sorts of things to avoid getting sick.  But, I got sick.  I started feeling a little sick Tuesday night after our run and by Wednesday I was definitely sick.  I put up a good fight but I lost.  Thursday I lost my voice and Friday was no better.
Sad to say that while I was sick Gusta (our German Shepherd) was also feeling ill.  Matt took her to the vet and came back with medication.  Matt cooked up some white rice for her, which was a little easier on her tummy.  The good news is that she is all better now – picture of her with rice on her nose below, she looked so cute I couldn’t resist taking a picture of her.  

Gusta with Rice on her nose :)

Stay tuned for more SuperMonkey Adventures,
Aka:  SuperMonkey
“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” 
Maya Angelou

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

February 16, 2011

Tuesday 2/15/11
So still feeling nausea – but muscling through.  We received a very pleasant surprise when Nick Payne stopped by to say hello.  His continual optimism is very rejuvenating.  I shared a few stories with Nick about my current chemo adventures – always fun to share the war stories with friends.  Being a tug-boat captain Nick actually has a lot of insight into nausea and he talked about what works for him – he mentioned the Altoid mints that have ginger – I didn’t even know this creature existed.  My internet search also revealed that they at one point made a chocolate covered version – needless to say I will be checking these out in the very near future.   
The evening brought a new adventure of it’s own, Matt and I went to pick up my wig.  We arrived at Women’s Health Boutique – greeted by smiles.  Jan – with whom I had placed my order seemed very happy to see us and she quickly asked if I wanted to try on my new wig.  When I said yes – she showed me back to her chair and opened the box to revile the coolest wig I had ever seen!!  I ordered my wig based on one that I saw in the shop that was long – but knew a short version would suit me better.  The color was selected based on a swatch and you never really know how that story is going to end, but this wig does a fabulous job of mixing in highlights with a base color.  I love it!!!!  Jan was excited to teach me about how to care for the wig and what I could do to change the look around.  She then did a little wig brushing and had me look at myself in the mirror – this wig totally suited me.  I will never have red hair – because my hair is way to dark – but I have always loved Red Hair.  Jan sent us off to have a fun night on the town with my new wig / new look she actually said we had to go out and “trip the light fantastic” – which is hysterical since that is the same ridiculous saying Matt always uses.  Riding home with my wig on made me feel totally different.  It is really nice to have the option of “fitting in” with this super cool and fun wig, because I have to say that with a buzzed head I get quite a bit of looks – I am sure I will get more once I lose it totally.  Wigs are really care free – you don’t have to wash it but once every 2 weeks and you just towel dry and then air-dry from there.  Mine is synthetic so it falls right into place – so no need to worry about styling at all.  This wig is a lace wig which means the hair falls very naturally – it is really hard to tell it is a wig when placed properly on your head.   As suggested by my nephew -- there will be more wig photos coming soon :)
With Glasses

Without Glasses

We did a quick wardrobe change and got another run in after we came home.  We stopped over to see the Houston Adventure Racing Team (HART) at training – Matt actually did a few sit ups and push ups with them as I stretched.  We took off for our run – and were able to get about 4 miles in at the park.  This time I actually did lose my cookies once and it was hard to bounce back from that – but we kept running.  Matt made a discovery tonight – he can run faster then me right now and he will likely tow me in future runs, we will be breaking out our towing set up next time.  For those of you who don’t know what this means – during Adventure Racing you are allowed to run or bike while attached to one another.  This is helpful as it makes the team move faster.  Matt and I have a set up that we use during runs that includes 2 belts – one for each of us and a bungee of sorts for the middle that attaches us to one another.  This set up allows for a little give considering you may speed up or slow down during a run.  Our usual racing style is that Matt is faster on the bike and I am faster on the run – it is safe to say that during chemo he is also faster then me on the run.    
Post Run Nausea :(

Sunday 2/13/11
The day started with juicing – I with a Mango, Strawberry and Cayenne Pepper Combo, Matt had Melon, Flat Leaf Parsley and Watercress (for those who don’t know Watercress is another leafy green that tastes like all other leafy greens).  Since yesterday’s run was so terrible – we decided to try it again.  Matt and I went for a run at the park – ended up logging a little over 5 miles.  This run was also full of nausea, but I made it through :)
Mango Yummy

Watercress Green 
A note about running:  A few years Matt thought he was being funny when he stopped in at a truck stop and purchased a powder called “Anti Monkey Butt Powder”, he bought it to tease me.  It says on the label that this power is “specially formulated to absorb excess sweat and reduce frictional skin irritation.  Ideal for butt busting activities such as:  motorcycling, bicycling, other extreme sports… also for those occasions when you sit on your butt all day.  May be used daily.”  Throughout adventure racing and running you find that you have to use different products to help protect or treat your skin and during chemo I have found my skin to change quite a bit.  What I am saying is that running while on chemo has been rather butt busting and I have required my fair share of Anti Monkey Butt Powder.    
Link in case you want to order and try it out (but they also sell it in some athletic stores):
Anti Monkey Butt Powder

Valentine’s Day is tomorrow and in true Vera fashion, she called and asked if we would be home this evening – she had something for us. 
Vera, Tommy and Ryder dropped by because Ryder was delivering valentines chocolates to all his lady friends.  I was lucky enough to make the list, he showed up with valentines chocolates and strawberries dipped in chocolate.  This is super funny because earlier this weekend I had told Matt that I needed some strawberries dipped in chocolate – to which he quickly responded – “NO!”  But Vera knew what I needed – this sweet treat came with a very sweet visit in which we were able to play with Ryder for a short period of time.  Thank you Ryder for being so thoughtful!!!
Ryder Chillin' in his Valentines Day PJs

Chocolate Covered Heaven :)

Saturday 2/12/11
So I have spent a little more time learning from other chemo patients and that the symptoms actually get a little worse each time – so I can expect that the nausea will continue to get progressively worse.  Means more of an opportunity to master this symptom.    
I was pretty nauseous all day and decided about mid day that I really needed to try to get some exercise.  So Matt and I went to Memorial park and got a loop in (around 3 miles).  This run was a little rough – due to the nausea.  At one point we saw a game of kickball – I don’t know if it was the nostalgia of thinking of my youthful kickball games but that threw me almost directly into tossing my cookies.  I am happy to report that I did not throw up during this run – but I won’t soon forget the feeling of running will nausea.  I have actually pushed myself on many runs / bikes to go beyond my comfort zone and throw up during exercise – so it felt a lot like that, I was in familiar territory.  

Photo from "Spread Your Wings Race" where I am sure I felt nausea a time or two
(Lori thanks for the picture)

Matt and I ended the evening with a visit to our new favorite hang out “Whole Foods”, we picked up dinner and ate it there followed by some light produce shopping to meet our juicing needs.  
Matt took a picture of me while I was sorting my meds in the parking lot before heading into “Whole Foods” – based on this picture I would say I was having a good – less nauseous moment :)
Med Sorting outside Whole Foods

Stay tuned for more SuperMonkey Adventures,
Aka:  SuperMonkey

"I have made all your dreams come true ... Nancy, nightmares are dreams too you know."
- Matt Jordan
(this quote was delivered during one of the runs this week - I found this ridiculously funny and I will never forget it - when did Matt turn into Freddy Krueger?)

Friday, February 11, 2011

February 11, 2011

Friday 2/11/11:
Post Chemo Treatment Neulasta shot was scheduled for 1:30 pm and due to quite of bit of nausea all morning we arrived a little late.  
Back In The Oncology Waiting Room Feeling Nausea - But Looking Good :)

Last treatment I felt much less nausea, they say that sometimes some symptoms (side effects worsen) and this is yucky news.  I stayed on top of it with my medication and the standard stuff that usually helps me, sprite, ginger ale and crackers.  My nurse advised that I try a few different things that will help settle my stomach - she encouraged juicing and smoothies saying that this sometimes helps patients.    
This afternoon Matt was kind enough to make me a baked potato which I think helped my stomach - Matt is so good to me :)
Nausea At It's Best!!

Tonight - my neighbor Tara brought over Chicken Noodle Soup laced with Ginger :)  It was great and I think it also helped settle my stomach.  She has a friend who she cooked for through chemo and said it really helped him.  It was so sweet of her to bring over -- she told me last week that she really likes to cook and has this history of successful chemo dietary planning so I jumped all over that.  
I still feel very sleepy tonight and I was in and out of consciousness during my favorite tv show - Fringe.  
I am happy to be past my second treatment!!
Thursday 2/10/11:
2nd Chemo Treatment -- today I was more relaxed then during the first treatment.  I knew a little more about what to expect, but I also had my “Power Port” - so bring it on.  Jill - a friend from work called it “Super Power Port”, which is a name I totally prefer.  
With the appointment at 9:00 am - Matt and I showed up by about 8:30 am.  
Oncology / Infusion Waiting Room 

Since my last medical appointment was over a week ago - I required another blood draw.  If my blood levels are not acceptable - then treatment is delayed.  We were brought back to infusion at 9 am prompt - at which time I learned that I continue to gain weight (this is likely due to the steroids, and based on the nursing staff this is better then the alternative - which is weight loss).  I can’t even stand to tell you how quickly I am gaining weight -- but I definitely need to get back to the park and run off some of this chunkiness ... not today - but sometime soon.  

Still Recovering From The Bad News About Weight Gain
The “Super Power Port” was tapped for the first time and it felt just like a tac pricking my skin.  Overall, painless considering all the drama that is involved with starting an IV each time I visit the clinic / hospital.  
I got cleared for treatment at about 9:30 am - my blood levels still look good, and the Chemo Medications began after the Benadryl and Anti-nausea Medication.  With my hands free I was able to crochet during the treatment.  But this time the medication made me a lot sleepier.  
Crocheting During Chemo
Getting Chemo Through My "Super Power Port"
Eating During Chemo

Medication administration was done by 3 pm and we headed home.  I got home and changed and was ready for a nap.  I am not the best napper - so I felt pretty disoriented the entire evening.  
Back At Home - Pictured with One Of The Hats By Kathryn

Matt and I watched a movie - “The Lovely Bones”  It is an incredible movie about a young girl who is murdered and watches over her family and killer from heaven.  It is a great movie - but a bit sad.  It has a few actors I didn’t recognize:  Rachel Weisz. Saorise Ronan and last but not least Mark Wahlberg (aka:  Marky Mark) - Matt hates it when I call him that.  
The evening ended with more bathroom drama - which I will spare you from -- but seriously -- right when I thought I knew what to expect -- I had no idea!!!  
I didn’t sleep through the night -- probably from the napping and medication.  
Wednesday 2/9/11:
Another day filled with meetings and the chance to get to know one another.  I had brought the team SuperMonkey pins and we took a group photo -- Everyone but Amy V.  is pictured (by the way she refused to give me a picture later).  

My Team
Back Row (Left to Right):  Matt, Jenn, Linda, Nancy R. , Scott
Front Row (Left to Right):  Lou, Me, Bobby and Deb

As promised Kathryn brought in a couple of hats and they were amazing -- I heart Kathryn.  
Kathryn And I At The Office

My flight cut my day of meetings short -- I left the office at at 2:30 pm for my 4:30 pm flight this time to Saint Louis.  
Self Portrait During Flight to Saint Louis

Upon arriving in Saint Louis I heard that the flight to Houston was delayed due to wet weather and a frozen runway.  For anyone who doesn’t know this -- Houston is totally ill-equipped for snow and even less equipped for ice.  So I hung out at Chili’s, ate a chicken sandwich and hoped for the best.  After one gate change -- I was actually able to catch a slightly delayed flight to Houston.  During the flight I met a very nice Dietician -- I don’t remember her name -- but she was great company during the flight.  We talked about all kinds of things and like most conversations I have these days we ended up talking about cancer.  Talked about how precious life is and that in times like these you really learn to take inventory on your life and those you share it with.  I have been very lucky to have an amazing husband, supportive friends and family.  
The strange part about this entire SuperMonkey Kick Butt adventure is that I was preparing for this way before I even knew it.  I have met so many amazing people and have been lucky enough to retain so many of those friendships!!  I really appreciate all the relationships in my life and have learned to value the small things in life on a completely different level.  
I landed at about 10:15 pm and Matt was waiting for me at the airport -- I picked up my luggage and made it home about 11 pm.  Just in time to grab a bite to eat -- load up on medications and prep for my second round of Chemo.  As always -- it is good to be home!!
Tuesday 2/8/11:
Team Meeting - Day One.  Side note:  it has been getting cooler in Houston and the weekend held 30 degree weather.  But Tuesday in Minnesota started at 15 below zero, with the high expected to reach 6 degrees and let me tell you this is pretty cold!!!  I met my fellow team travelers in the lobby and we all headed over to the office together.  Whoever said chivalry is dead -- has not met Scott Strain -- the entire time he chauffeur us around he warmed up the car in the morning and dropped us off at the door in order to avoid us walking in the cold -- which was very sweet!!  Anyone who knows me knows that I am a people person -- I enjoyed spending the time with my team, problem solving and getting to know everyone a little better.  My company has embraced a very virtual  world and trips like this make me miss the in person interaction.  The day ended with appetizers at Lou’s House (she is my boss).  She was a fabulous hostess to all of us!!  It was nice to relax with everyone after a full day of hard work.  
The ride back to the hotel was just as cold as the ride to the office in the morning -- Nancy R. my co-worker felt a little queasy on the way home and ended up opening the window.  Remember how I said it was super cold -- well the window was stuck open and she was unable to get it to go back up.  While I hope this doesn’t make me sound totally mean -- this moment was completely hysterical.  Nancy R. started laughing and I couldn’t control myself and I laughed so hard my stomach hurt and my eyes were watering -- I think Nancy R. hates me now.  By the time we made it back to the hotel Scott was able to get the window back up and Nancy R. did not lose her cookies.. I would give you more details to the story -- but I think Nancy would stop speaking to me - she was a great sport during this entire fiasco.  
Monday 2/7/11: 
This week I went to Minnesota for a Team Meeting.  While I was completely anticipating traveling with a mask on.  I unfortunately packed the mask in my checked luggage instead of my carry on - so no mask in the airport.  The day started with a cab ride to the airport that ended with me losing my breakfast right as we pulled up to the airport.  I felt it coming on but there was nothing I could do to stop it - the only good news is that I was able to lose it outside of the cab.  I checked in and dropped off my luggage to start my day of travel.  The route I took with Southwest made no sense -- Houston to Phoenix, Phoenix to Minneapolis.  I arrived in Minneapolis after 3 pm.  Surprisingly enough I didn’t get sick at all during the flight -- below you see a picture of the full meal served now a-days via a flight during meal time.  While these plane crackers look as though they would only fill up a nabisco elf -- they helped settle my stomach.  
Southwest Plane Meal
I spent most of the time on the plane sleeping -- hoping that this would eliminate my potential for losing any more of my cookies.  I ate some chicken nuggets while in Phoenix, but didn’t have much of an appetite.  I arrived in Minneapolis and was happy to see my luggage - I cabbed it to my hotel and caught up on a little work.  I had made plans to have dinner with Kathryn Panos a friend who lives in Minneapolis.  We had dinner at a restaurant close to the hotel followed by a trip to look at yarn (Kathryn is also a “happy hooker”).  Kathryn also gave me a beautiful crocheted and knitted wrap / throw blanket that is totally awesome!!  She had lots of patterns for hats and asked that I pick out something I liked.  She actually made these later in the week and gave me a couple before I left Minneapolis -- Kathryn is AMAZING!!  She made me feel very special and loved.  

She also shared with me that she has a recent found love for “How I Met Your Mother” and there happened to be a photo opportunity that we couldn’t pass up as we left dinner that evening.  

Kathryn and I In With "How I Met Your Mother Poster"

Settled In Back At The Hotel

Stay tuned for more SuperMonkey Adventures, 
Aka:  SuperMonkey
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow.  Learn as if you were to live forever.” 
- Gandhiji

Sunday, February 6, 2011

February 6, 2011

Saturday 2/5/11:
Today was a beautiful day and I was feeling pretty good.  Matt and I started the day at the park.  Background:  When Matt and I learned of my illness and impending treatment we made a trip to Whole Earth Provisions -- for those of you who have never been to this super awesome store ... you are missing out.  They have outdoor clothing, shoes and backpacks as well as an entire section of books, toys and games.  I was on the look out for a hat that would be warm enough to keep my head warm and versatile enough that I could wear it to the park or to work as needed.  I found a great smart wool hat and Matt found a boomerang.  This boomerang has been sitting in the back of Matt’s car for several weeks now waiting to be thrown.  After weeks of remembering well after the sun had gone down -- today was the day -- Matt was going to throw his boomerang.  With directions in hand we set out to throw and hopefully catch a boomerang.  Matt threw that thing for a good 30 - 45 minutes and each time got a little better - but clearly this is a skill that requires practice.  I didn’t take a turn, while I would like to say it is because of my fresh stitches, in all honesty the boomerang sorta scares me -- but Matt had a great time and we took this photo after the fun morning at the park.  
Me wearing my Smart wool hat and Matt with the boomerang
The rest of the day was filled with errand running and we finally ordered my wig.  I don’t have pictures to share at this time of the wig -- but the experience was GREAT!!!  Jan at “Women’s Health Boutique” was courteous and professional and while she wasn’t trying to be -- Matt and I found her comments to be fabulously funny.  I don’t expect that the wig will be here for about a week maybe even two -- depending on how quickly she verifies my insurance and is able to place the order.    I really liked the Raquel Welch line of wigs - that is all I am going to say about the wig for now - you will have to keep checking for updates to find out what the final product looks like. 
We ended the day with an evening outside with a fire - it was a great day!!  By the way - I was freezing and Matt was wearing shorts - but that is pretty typical.

Outside with the fire

Stay tuned for more SuperMonkey Adventures, 
aka:  SuperMonkey

“The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.” 
- Dolly Parton

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

February 2, 2011

Wednesday 2/2/11:
Today I went to St Luke’s Hospital to “accessorize”, I had a “Bard Power Port” installed.  This is a small triangular device that pipes directly to the jugular vein in my neck and down right above my heart.  It allows for easy access when having blood drawn or treatment administered (chemo and other medications) without having to stick my arms or wrists each time.  Mine is a Power Port meaning it allows for the ability for power-injected Contrast.  This device has titanium and while I am told it will not set off any metal detectors - such as the ones used in airports, I have a medical card that explains the fact that I am now somewhat “bionic” and super wicked cool.  There are also no concerns related to getting MRIs given the ports’ composition.  
Below is a link if you are interested in learning about the port.  It is pretty high tech stuff.  
Today’s visit to the hospital was pretty long - we were there at 7:30 am and while the port placement only takes about 45 minutes we didn’t get home until about 1:00 pm.
They use lidocaine - just as they do with a biopsy or a visit to the dentist and this numbs the area and they administer additional pain medication via my IV.  They told me the medication / anesthetic used causes patients to sleep during the procedure and keeps you from remembering what happened.  I remember needing quite a bit of medication -- this radiologist confirmed what the last one had told me ... “I have thick skin” which meant a little more tugging then normal.  I think I slept for about 5 minutes during the procedure - the rest of the time I asked the doctor plenty of questions.  He was very young and I asked how many of these he had done -- he assured me that it was over 50 -- which was good news.  The technology used during the procedure to feed the catheter attached to the port totally fascinated me and we spoke at length about the advances in Radiological Medicine.  The port will require monthly injections of blood thinner to assure the line does not clog and become useless.  The port can eventually be removed  if no longer needed.  
The staff there were FABULOUS!!  Great nurses including Luz, who explained every detail about the port and every specific after care instruction (even the restriction of no lawn mowing or vacuuming for 72 hours -- shoot I guess Matt will be doing all the heavy work for the next 3 days).  
I usually don’t respond well to medicine - but today’s visit was just fine.  I have included a couple of photos from today’s visit taken by Matt...thanks Matt.  
Radiology Waiting Room 

Radiology - Signing Waivers

Radiology Removing Bandaid 

Tuesday 2/1/11:
Today was a chilly day for everyone in the US and while Houston weather is usually spectacular this time of year -- we were about 35 degrees at 5 pm.  Matt and I decided to go for a run today and interestingly there weren’t too many other folks out there braving the cold.  I think I had about 6 layers on top (shirts, vests and a jacket), I had my long running pants on, a buff around my neck, a hat on my head and gloves on my hands.  I was comfortable after we got moving.  Because we ran in the trails Matt and I wore eye protection and because it gets dark early we wore headlamps.  It was a good day for a run - reminds you that you are alive to feel the cool air on your body.  
Trail Run in the cold

I think I have mentioned before that everyone has been really supportive and I have been getting tons of heart felt words.  
I have to take a moment to mention a few of the gifts and other signs of support from family and friends. 
Christy Laufer who works with Matt send me the cutest little booties that her grandmother makes for breast cancer survivors.  They are absolutely adorable and as a “happy hooker” myself (hooker as in crochet hook) I totally appreciate the fact that she knitted these herself.  The detail in these booties is really cool and these booties will totally keep my feet warm for a very long time. 

Pink Booties :)

Stephanie Robledo’s 5th Grade Class made me a book and while at times I wondered if children understand the gravity of an illness like cancer I now totally believe that they do.  The children in Stephanie’s class are very special and they have shown me a side of understanding and inspiration that I didn’t know existed in today’s youth.  The children in this class have called me: brave, courageous, heroic, victorious, strong, successful, determined and magical.  Ms. Robledo and her class have reminded me that sharing my journey with others pays off.  I have found so much comfort from this book and while it made me cry like a baby it has also made everything a little easier.    
Me with SuperMonkey Book

I have received many other thoughtful gifts that continue to rejuvenate my “SuperMonkey Powers” ... it has been an Amazing Journey and I appreciate all the support!!

Brett and Larry 
As most of you know Matt and I live away from both of our families.  As a show of support My in laws (brother and father) decided to shave their heads along with me.  This is a very big deal - considering both live in Massachusetts and are currently going through the Snowpocolis of 2011.  Today Larry reported that there is no where to put the snow -- the accumulation has reached a ridiculous total of approximately 4 feet.
Larry Gets Buzzed

Brett Gets Buzzed
Stay tuned for more SuperMonkey Kick Butt Adventures,
Aka:  SuperMonkey
“In my body, where the shame gland should be, there is a second awesome gland. True story.” - Barney Stinson How I Met Your Mother