Wednesday, April 20, 2011

April 20, 2011

Wednesday 4/20/11
After a night of very little sleep - it is clear that I am sick.  I started the morning by calling my doctor to report my symptoms and ask for medication.  I am coughing like crazy and can barely keep my eyes open I feel so tired.  Today is a sick day!!
My doctor called in Cipro - I have never taken Cipro before so I had no idea what to expect.  Matt told me it would turn things around fairly quickly and it totally helped.   I felt immediate relief from my cough - but still feel sick which is to be expected.  
Post Cipro (things are looking better)

This afternoon Matt and I met with my surgeon and the treatment plan changed a little.  I am still swirling from all the information we learned today but this is the planned course of treatment:
  1. Mastectomy for my left side (late May early June)
  2. 6 weeks of Radiation for my left side (due to the fact that my lymph nodes under my left arm had cancer prior to starting chemo). 
  3. 6 months after Radiation Mastectomy for my right side with reconstruction for both sides. 
This means that I am not expected to have reconstruction until 2012.  This was very different then what I went in expecting - but my surgeon is awesome and he worked hard to explain the risk and benefits of this course of treatment.  There are lots of details we didn’t get into because we are eating this elephant one bite at a time.  I will meet with the plastic surgeon sometime within the next week and get the first mastectomy scheduled fairly soon.  I will say this - it is pretty sobering to have this discussion with the surgeon because we are talking about recurrence and survival rates.  
I have a lot of research to do in the days / weeks to come on Radiation.   
Exploring in the Doctor's Office

Locks Shmocks (they mean nothing to me)

FYI - Only Bandaids in here

I am exhausted 

Tuesday 4/19/11
Today my throat actually hurts and my voice started sounding a little funny.  I went to bed early and hoped for the best.  Matt obviously loves me and went out for dinner for me - but I wasn’t really in the mood for eating by the time he returned ... sorry Matt.   :(
Monday 4/18/11
My throat felt a little scratchy but nothing to be alarmed about ... yet.  
Sunday 4/17/11
So it seems like my body reacts the same way to treatment and now I know a lot more about what to expect.  Outside of some new symptoms such as acid reflux - everything else is pretty much the same and tolerable.  
Sunday morning I was feeling surprisingly good!!!  With plenty of rest under my belt from Saturday Matt and I decided to go for a motorcycle ride.  I haven’t been on the Xerox since all of this began in December - we have had a few things done to the bike and Matt said it was riding like a totally different bike.  We have been off coffee for several months now and use it now as an occasional treat.  This morning we rode to Dunkin’ Donuts.  While Dunkin’ is everywhere back east - that is not the case in Houston.  We had been driving around this week and saw the shinny new big building and stored it in our memory banks.  
We got up, got dressed in all our gear and rode out to Dunkin’ for some breakfast and coffee.  It was a great morning to ride - very little traffic and the Xerox was loving the crisp air.  Matt was totally right - the bike rode totally different, it was very smooth and compliant and treated me very well for the short ride out.  As I mentioned before the bike is pretty aggressive so Matt rode it back to town and I rode the Monster (which let me say was super fun!).
Me at Dunkin'

On our way back we cut through down town and saw pink everywhere we went, we quickly realized that this weekend was the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in Houston.  This year they had nearly 1,000 participants and raised more then $1.8 Million.  The walkers walked 26.2 miles on Saturday and 13.1 miles on Sunday.  We quickly assessed that we wanted to stop to cheer on the walkers - we pulled into a parking lot on  Allen Parkway and encountered “Team Booblicious” - they had a total of 9 walkers -- and were pretty enthusiastic about the event.  Matt explained that I am currently in treatment for breast cancer and had chemo on Thursday - asked if we could take a picture - which you see below.  
I think sometimes people don’t believe that I am in treatment because I have some pretty strong / promising moments.  It’s safe to say that everyone has their own notion about what “sick” looks like.  I think that is one of the biggest lessons I have had through all of this - when you are at your worst it is important to keep doing the things that make you feel better or make you happy.  I still get a lot of looks when I go for a run at the park or when I go out to eat - because of the pre-conceived notion that being in bed will make things better, when in reality living your life actually makes you feel better.  This is different for everyone, keep doing what you do: whether it is cheering your favorite team on, riding your motorcycle, going for a run at the park or hiking at your favorite park.  It is absolutely true that we never know what we are training for ... push yourself to do more!!
Me with Team Booblicious

We drove around a cheered on more walkers but the walk was far from over so I decided it was time to go home for nap.  We did get a chance to get back out on the bikes and visit Nick, Jaunda and Sophie.  

The day ended with a visit from Caroline and Lance - they brought over Lasagna and we forced them to eat some with us - this lasagna was so good!!!  Thank you Caroline and Lance - you have been very sweet - stopping by with food for us :)
Today was a GREAT day - I felt great - but clearly understand that every good moment is a gift.  
Saturday 4/16/11
Matt and I went into the weekend expecting to have a fun Sunday (chemo permitting).  Saturday was a very low key day.  A morning of rest for me and motorcycle riding for Matt - we have the Xerox back and he is logging some miles before his next track day.  Afternoon of errand running was very relaxed with a visit to one of my favorite stores (REI).
Friday 4/15/11
Today I returned to Kelsey for my Neulasta Shot - but today was very special!!  I think I have mentioned before that the care I have received from Kelsey has been spectacular, well to celebrate my almost completed chemo I have made the Oncology Nursing Staff scarves with my new label that reads:
Hand Crocheted by:  
Nancy Jordan
AKA:  SuperMonkey
Today was the day I chose to deliver the scarves - below is a picture of me with the Oncology Nursing Staff (with pharmacist) and their new scarves.  These nurses have been very patient with all my chemo questions and have been very kind to Matt and I during the course of treatment.  Thank you for the exceptional care you have provided!!
Me with Kelsey Crew!!

Odd note:  Always keep your eyes open!!  Matt and I were driving later that afternoon and saw the following on a corner -- yes that is a baby doll.  
Homeless BabyDoll

Thursday 4/14/11
Today I received my 5th of 6 chemo treatments, it feels pretty cool to be this close to the end of full on chemo.  While I will still have to continue on Herceptin for one year - it is not the full chemo cocktail that I have been getting and eventually my hair should come back :)  I have heard that it can come back curly -- which is pretty frightening for me since my hair is already pretty curly.  Should be interesting to see what happens. 
All Hooked Up

Yahoo for Pie!!

Oh geez - Chemo is rough
Even SuperMonkeys Get Tired
On a funny and inappropriate note:
Matt and I watch a cartoon on FX called “Archer” - it is a totally inappropriate cartoon with adult content about a spy.  When Matt and I returned from our recent trips to Boston and Denver we had a couple of episodes of Archer on the DVR.   Episodes aired on 3/17 entitled “Stage 2” and 3/24 entitled “Placebo Effect” - during these episodes Archer (who is a man) is diagnosed with Breast Cancer and subsequently undergoes treatment.  Being a breast cancer patient I found the episodes totally hysterical.  I recommend you add this show to your DVR and strongly consider looking up the episodes on
Stay tuned for more SuperMonkey Adventures,
Aka:  SuperMonkey
“Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did.”
- Newt Gingrich

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

April 12, 2011

Tuesday 4/12/11
A couple of notes about this update:
1.   I have been traveling so I got a little behind - time actually goes by a lot quicker when you are on chemo.  
2.  This update may sound a little different because my editor (Matt) is traveling.
3.  Photobucket is down right now so I can’t post full albums of the visits to Boston or Colorado - but I plan to do so in the next couple of days.  

Sunday 4/10/11
My sister Angela and her children (Joe and Gehovanie) and niece Ninive and nephew Aaron joined Matt at I for breakfast at Luceros (Mexican restaurant) and was great.  While I think the food in Houston is very good there are very few good authentic Mexican restaurants and this one is tiny and serves great food.  We were able to sit for a while after we ate our meal and say our good-byes.   Pictures below:
Group Photo at Sunday Breakfast

Group Photo includes Matt (but Geo is cut out on the right)

My mom didn’t join us for breakfast and honestly I don’t know why but I do know this ... everyone accepts illness differently and in moments like this - when people don’t always react as you expect I found it very important to remember that it isn’t as important to think of those who don’t show up as it is to think of those who do.  Through all of this Matt and I have spoken often about the fact that true friendship is very precious and it is only in truly difficult / dark moments that you know where people stand.  Seeing this is often times surprising and I can tell you that I have been surprised more then once.  I am grateful and proud of the relationships I have with my friends and family and it is those relationships that have helped me feel positive about the path I am on as I continue to kick cancers’ butt everyday!!  
I was traveling a few weeks back to San Francisco and was on the phone with my mom she was surprised I was traveling for work at this time (since I am sick).  I shared with her that I feel better when I am with other people she told me a Spanish saying, “Penas con pan son mas pasaderas” - This saying means that sharing our problems with others somehow makes things better or more tolerable and I know for me that is very true - I always feel better when I am able to spend time with other people, this was true before having cancer and continues to be true today.   I am glad that Matt and I have been fortunate enough to have a strong support system in Houston and am glad that Matt and I were able to visit our families the last couple of weeks.  
Saturday 4/9/11
Matt and I like to get outside when we go to Denver - with so many great memories at all the parks there we decided to go for a hike at “Deer Creek Canyon Park”.  It is a beautiful park that offers several trail options of varying length and altitude gain.  The weather started a little chilly that morning but eventually we warmed up and the sky was blue and gorgeous!!  I carried a pack -- which offered more training opportunity and let me push myself a little harder.  A few pictures below:
Geo chillin' on the mountain
Manuel, Ninive and Natalia (Natalia's first hike)

Matt and I on the Mountain

Matt and I at the bridge

Group Photo at the bridge

While on the hike we saw a woman carrying her dog "Doug" up the mountain he is 13 years old

Natalia celebrating the end of her first hike

Saturday night we had dinner at my oldest brother Luis’ house.  It was a great time with way too much food and a lot of laughing and story telling.  Pictures below. 
Matt cooking for the famliy

Bri cooking in Matt's absence :)

My sister Nemecia and I

My Mom and I

My sister Vicky and I

My bothers:  Luis and Tony and I 

Luis is a Bricklayer :)

Me in Luis' Hat (I feel silly)

Matt in a scary mask - spooky

My sister Angela in Luis' hat - she looks right at home
Friday 4/8/11
Off to Denver for a weekend with my family.  Some of you maybe wondering why the tour of families now.  Well the Boston / Grammy trip has been planned for quite some time and with surgery right around the corner (late May / early June) I thought it would be good to visit my family and this weekend was the best given chemo schedule and Matt’s work schedule.  It was sort of last minute though so I knew I wouldn’t be able to see everyone.  
In the airport - can you guess who the pirate is?

Friday night was bowling - a couple of my sisters and their children joined Matt and I for bowling.  I haven’t been bowling for years - about 10 or 11 years ago Matt and I joined a league with our friend Shane - but it was way too long and we ended up quitting - but I got an award “Most Improved Bowler”.  But since that was so long ago -- my bowling was very inconsistent.  I bowled one or two games over 100 -- with the rest much lower then that.  I didn’t know this but my family actually has a few bowlers in it (there was a little friendly competition in the alley that night)!!
Me at the bowling alley

Matt at the bowling alley

Arial view of the bowling :)

Group Photo after bowling

Wednesday 4/6/11
So the bike is so beautiful and I love walking out to the garage to look at it.  Matt and I had been planning my first ride on the Monster and today was the day.  Today I had a cup of coffee at lunch time (by the way I quit coffee sometime in February) and I was feeling very alert after work, we got dressed in our riding gear and off we went.  I know for some of you it might seem silly that I would buy a bike I hadn’t test ridden, but I did.  The bike was sooooo much fun.  We rode around town, and eventually ended up at the 24 hour Starbucks on Westheimer and Post Oak.  No, I didn’t have another coffee - instead I had a chai tea latte and a marshmallow treat, which was super tasty!!  By the way lots of motorcycle riders go to this Starbucks and tonight we pulled up and there were about 15 bikes there.  So how do you get the attention of 15 bikers and their passengers ... you show up with your bald wife who is riding her own kick butt Ducati Monster 1100 S.  I swear to you that when I took off my helmet to reveal my hairless head -- you could hear a pin drop, that made my ride totally worth it. :)
Matt took a picture of me before the ride and after -- of course they both have the same cheesy smile that I have in all my pictures -- but I can’t tell you the one after the ride didn’t go away for several hours ... I think I was still smiling when I woke up the next morning!!
Photo before the ride

Photo after the ride!!

Monday 4/4/11
After a great visit with the Jordan clan we went to the airport Monday evening for our normal order of baggage drop off and security mayhem.  The security officer at Logan Airport asked me how I was doing and my answer “much better now”, he looked at me and said “Great”.  I didn’t realize that walking around as a cancer / chemo patient would make New Englanders slow down and notice, but it did.  
A word about New England:  I have always been one to say that people in New England are in such a hurry that I find it somewhat dismissive.  But as a cancer / chemo patient I found New England to feel quite different.  People were more kind and gentle and yes people do tend to stare a little longer, but they also seem more interested in being nice and going the extra mile to say something nice about my illness / treatment or simple words of encouragement.  New England treated me a lot differently during this very then in visits past.  
I arrived home to several very heart-felt cards from friends and family as well as a super cute gift from my friend Stephanie - she sent me a bag, a mug and a sock monkey (picture below).  The cutest combination of gifts and some very nice words in the accompanying card.  The kindness expressed by others during this time is so humbling and at times I wonder what amazing things I could have done to deserve this showering of such super awesome sentiments.  Thank you Stephanie - your SuperMonkey Thank you card is in the mail :)
Gift from Stephanie
(notice the sock monkey)

Sunday 4/3/11
Chillin’ with the Jordans today.  Cindy, Annah and I went to Newburyport for some shopping and while the day was windy and the temperature was cool - it was perfect for a walk in Newburyport.  With a day like today there is a lot of putting the hat on and taking the hat off.  We stopped into a yarn store - because Cindy knows my weakness :)  It was great to buy yarn there and while the lady at the counter had a very assertive selling style, she said that her thoughts are with me - which is a sweet thing to say.  
After shopping and a gelato in Newburyport, we went back to Hacienda Jordan for dinner, Brett was able to fly the kite with Calla - which let me just say was super adorable!!  A couple of pictures below.  
Brett and Calla Flying the Kite

Calla in her skull and cross bones hoodie with the pirate kite :)

Brett (my brother-in-law) and I

Brett and Matt

Cindy, Annah, me, Calla and Maia

Maia, me and Annah

Brett, Annah and Matt (cute photo)

Saturday 4/2/11
Today is the day of Grammy’s party - did I mention that this was a Surprise 85th birthday party?  The Jordan family definitely lives on the edge - surprising an 85 year old like that.  Grammy took the surprise well and the party was a great time!!  Grammy has some spectacular friends and it was so great seeing the Jordan and Beck family.  Sadly, people asked about the wig, which I totally forgot at home - I obviously have a lot to learn about traveling with a wig :)  Always good seeing family and celebrating life.  
Larry (Father-In-Law) and I

Annah (sister-in-law) and I

Despite the fact that I don’t eat it often I love chocolate cake and this cake took things to a whole other level -- my estimate is that it was about 5 inches deep and was serious chocolate cake.  I don’t know if I need any more chocolate cake for a long time.  
Picture below of Uncle Ken (aka:  Uncle Kenny) cutting the cake, which let me tell you was pretty challenging - but he pulled through like a champ, Great Job Kenny!!
Uncle Kenny with the Cake (Yikes)

Friday 4/1/11
Off to Boston for the weekend... Grammy’s 85th birthday party.  
Since neither of our families live in Houston we haven’t seen them since I was diagnosed and began treatment.   While the offers to come help Matt and I work through chemo have been abundant we have found it simpler to work through the treatment alone.  As we travel to Boston this weekend and Denver the following weekend I am sure that our families will struggle with seeing me this way, but Matt and I hope to make it a very positive experience for everyone!
The flight wasn’t bad and I am happy to report that my anti-nausea medicine did the trick helping me keep everything together, despite the turbulence.  We arrived in Boston to a little snow on the ground -- the car had a snow scrapper, which we were happy about in case it did snow, but we haven’t used a snow scrapper for several years now -- so I had to take my picture with it :)
I am holding the snow scraper (and there is a little snow on the ground)
Wednesday 3/30/11
Everyone who has been reading this blog knows that I recently sold my SuperM and everyone who has been reading this blog also knows that I have been eyeballing a 2009 Ducati Monster 1100 S at Houston Superbikes.  Well today was the day, we bought and picked up the bike today.  Matt rode it home for me and I can’t explain how excited I am about the bike.  Don’t worry everyone - Matt will be tracking the Xerox, it will not sit in the garage neglected.  With that said I am really excited to get out and ride the Monster because it will put off a lot less heat then the Xerox and allows me to ride it in a much more relaxed position.  
Below is a picture of me with the latest addition to our family.  
Me with the Monster 1100 S

Tuesday 3/29/11
I have been feeling pretty good - my biggest enemy is feeling tired and flu like, which in the scheme of things isn’t bad.  
Today I received a very thoughtful gift from my sister Vicky.  It is a bracelet with wooden tiles of saints.  I have noticed that when most people find out I am sick or undergoing treatment they will say that they are praying for me.  It is pretty powerful when you think about it - all these people (family, friends and even total strangers) praying for me.  I am grateful that others care enough to mention me in their prayers.  Vicky thank you for the gift and to all of those who are praying for me - thank you for doing so, it means a lot!!
Picture below of me with my new bracelet :)  
Me with Saint Bracelet

Stay tuned for more SuperMonkey Adventures,
Aka:  SuperMonkey
“You may encounter defeats, but you must not be defeated.”
Maya Angelou