Thursday, October 27, 2011

October 27, 2011

Sorry I haven’t posted in such a long time.  I have found my energy level drastically decreasing.  I have also been slacking in photo taking.  I am hoping to be able to maintain my postings with photos better in the weeks to come.  :)

Wednesday 10/26/11
Today I received the 18th of 35 treatments (exactly half way through treatment).  Before I went home they asked that I wait to speak with the doctor.  It turns out that my esophagus issues are caused by the fact that radiation is actually catching my esophagus.  The doctor has to revise my treatment plan, but this takes time.  
So he said we can start my boost treatment early.  Boost is where they reduce my radiation field and radiate only my surgery / tumor site.  The boost requires a new CT scan and will be ready on Friday.  He gave me a choice - I can either take Thursday off and add another day at the end of my treatment or I can have one more treatment that will radiate my throat.  I opted to have one more treatment with my existing treatment plan, I am not interested in delaying the end of radiation.  
The even crazier part about this is that I now have blue markings on my body from my original (primary) treatment and green marks on my body from my boost (secondary) treatment.  This is totally wild - so now with twice the markings to maintain I am pretty confident that I should avoid sweating ... no working out for me right now.  I will post pictures of all my markings later (difficult to take photos of myself - I need Matt’s help).
Tuesday 10/25/11
So today I received a very nice surprise.  A friend of mine Susan Tan sent me flowers.  It was a very thoughtful gift.  The flowers are beautiful and this reminds me how lucky I am to be surrounded by such good friends.  
Thank you; Susan, Soopang, Karol and Chloe :) ... the flowers are fabulous and exactly what I needed.  
These flowers smell just as beautiful as they look
Monday 10/24/11
Today was my 16th treatment and I saw my Radiation Oncologist.  Todays’ report was a little different then in the past. I am experiencing the following symptoms:
  1. Skin Changes - dryness and itchiness (doctor called it Radiation Dermatitis)
  2. Difficulty Swallowing
About the difficulty swallowing - doctor says this could be caused by one of 2 things; either I am getting sick or my esophagus is getting exposed to radiation.  Apparently, each of us has slightly different anatomy and it is possible that my esophagus is a little more on my left side then my right.  Because of this possibility he said he will be reviewing my treatment plan and consider the option of revising my current radiation treatment.  
In the meantime I was prescribed a compound medication combination of: lidocaine, benadryl and maalox.  They call this medication “Magic Mouthwash”.  This medicine is strange it is like a very strong chloraseptic spray that makes my entire throat feel numb.  Overall it really helped me eat a lot easier.  
Our lives are full of lessons ... 
Anyone who has talked to me knows that I have been complaining about weight gain.  According to my oncologist the average breast cancer patient gains 30 - 40 pounds caused mostly by medication and I have gained 20 (yikes).  Prior to being diagnosed and undergoing treatment I always thought that cancer treatment caused weight loss (I was wrong).  And throughout treatment I have had a serious challenge fighting the weight gain and maintaining a realistic workout schedule.  It is quite possible that the lesson behind having my throat / esophagus radiated is the fact that I need to stop complaining about the weight gain and be happy that my appetite has remained in tact.  So I guess for now I will suffer in silence (and maybe learn to accept the fact that I am a chunky monkey).  This doesn’t mean I am going to stop working out or watching what I eat - it just means I will complain less about it and instead focus on being thankful for everything I have (including my appetite and extra insulation - after all the winter is coming).  
This magic mouthwash looks intimidating 

By the way the color is pink
(as you can tell in this picture of the bottle - this is thick stuff)
Saturday 10/22/11
This weekend was Ziegfest in Corpus Christi.  It was great seeing all the Corpus Christi (Stripes Convenience) people.  Everyone there has been so supportive of Matt and I and very encouraging of my treatment.  I haven’t seen them since last year - so it was great to catch up with them.  
After the Ziegfest we had dinner at Crawdaddys.  The meal was spicy and as delicious as always.  
Matt and I just as the music festival was getting started

This dish is sausage, potatoes, corn and locally caught shrimp
(sadly Crawfish aren't in season right now)

Matt and I with our bibs on :)

I asked the waitress for extra bibs
(these things would come in handy at home)
By the way ... we didn't bring any home 
2 headed goat pictured while we stopped at Prasek's Hillje Smokehouse on the way home on Sunday
This is a very cool store / restaurant and I highly recommend stopping in if you are ever in the area
Friday 10/21/11
Today I had my 15th treatment and things seem to be going well.  Except that I have found that I feel nausea and while the doctor explained that this is unlikely caused by the radiation I do find that it is more prevalent after treatment.  The doctor advised that I take my anti-nausea medication whenever I feel it coming on.  This evening I also started experiencing trouble swallowing my food during dinner.  I made it through my meal but I was very uncomfortable and cause for concern.  
Wednesday 10/19/11
I was able to exchange the rental car - but let me just say that Enterprise left me with a pretty disappointed feeling.  As I felt my blood pressure raise I found myself digging deep to keep my composure.  It is clear that at radiation treatment # 13 I am feeling myself grow a little more impatient and short tempered.  I am hoping that will improve over time.
This evening Matt and I met Tommy for a run (one lap at the park).  It was a good run .. but I did find myself running a lot slower then Matt and Tommy.  Running always tires me out and makes me feel better.  
Self Portrait taken as I waited for Matt and Tommy
Tuesday 10/18/11
I usually see my Radiation Oncologist on Mondays but he wasn’t in yesterday.  So I saw him today after my 12th treatment.  My skin is still doing well and while the pain in my breast has increased I am able to manage mostly with Advil.  
Matt also dropped off the FJ for repairs.  He returned home with the rental which was a white minivan ... I am not kidding Matt brought home a minivan.  The minivan smelled like dirty diapers.  I called the rental office and asked if there were other options.  I was told to come by the next day to exchange the poopy vehicle.  
Monday 10/17/11
I get my treatment at Methodist Hospital and this is a very nice facility.  The lobby has a piano, fountain and several pieces of art.  During today’s visit Matt and I noticed the artists name on one of the sculptures -- picture below :)
Need I say more? :)

Sunday 10/16/11
Today Matt and I went out for a motorcycle ride with a few friends (Troy, Angela and Mark).  It was a very relaxed ride to Conroe for breakfast.  We picked Mark up at the shop “Houston Super Bikes”.  After breakfast we accompanied Mark back to the shop and it was a good thing because during our ride I sprang an oil leak.  We left my bike at the shop and I rode back home on the back of Matt’s bike.  Honestly, the last time I rode on the back of a bike was about 3 years ago, on the back of Matt’s Harley Davidson Road King.  This ride was a lot less terrifying then my last ride, maybe because I was more relaxed or maybe because I was already a little tired and realized that even if something went wrong there was nothing I could do.  Either way it was a fun little ride home.  
After returning home I decided to rest for a little while before we went out for a run.  This much activity in one day reminds me of the old days, when I had more energy.  Of course with both of these things I was pretty much cooked.  Very relaxed evening afterwards.  
Saturday 10/15/11
Today I had my 4th guitar lesson.  I am really enjoying it and while I find it quite challenging ... I find that every lesson I am a little closer to playing an entire song.
So my hair is growing .. which is awesome!  The strange part of that is that different sections grow at different paces; example, hair on top of my head grows slower then the hair on the back of my head.  After several weeks of struggling with odd growth I have decided to get a hair cut.  I got a very short version of the hair style I want and over the next few weeks I hope to get closer to the funky mohawk hair style.  Will post more mohawk pictures next time (I am just realizing that I have none).
Pre-hair cut (Front Photo)

Pre-hair cut (Right Side Photo)

Pre- hair cut (Left Side Photo)

Friday 10/14/11
Today I had my 10th treatment.  Thing seem to be going well.  The interesting thing about radiation is that the objective is to continue treatment and progress is gauged by the absence of side effects:
  1. Skin in tact (no changes)
  2. High energy (no fatigue)
  3. Good appetite (no change)
  4. Same weight (no change)
While I find going to treatment every day very inconvenient - I am starting to feel like I am developing a routine.  I like to count the number of treatments and tell people I have completed 10 of 35 and Matt tells me that it is much better to say I am finishing my 2nd of 7 weeks (we agree to disagree).
Stay tuned for more SuperMonkey Adventures,
AKA:  SuperMonkey

Quote Trifecta:

"It's ok to be fat.  So you're fat.  Just be fat and shut up about it." 
 - Roseanne Barr

"Stress spelled backwards is desserts.  Coincidence?  I think not!"
 - Author Unknown

"Never eat more then you can lift."
 - Miss Piggy

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

October 12, 2011

Tuesday 10/11/11
Today was my 7th radiation.  I treat waiting rooms the same way I treat airplanes and for me that means that I keep to myself.  Today was a little different, every morning when I go into treatment there is one other family with the same treatment time.  The patient is 5 yrs old and she is absolutely adorable.  She and her family speak Spanish and today after the patient was taken back for treatment I asked her mother in Spanish about the patient.  This adorable little girl lives 2.5 hours away and her family brings her in everyday for treatment.  Her journey started this summer when she couldn’t keep any food down, at which time the doctors said she likely had a viral issue.  Shortly thereafter she started experiencing headaches and started walking with a limp, at which time they found a brain tumor the size of a lemon.  The tumor is inoperable and she is currently receiving radiation and oral chemo medication.  Upon conclusion of radiation she will continue with chemo.  
As I conversed with this young mother about her daughter I realized how cancer has an incredible way of showing an individuals’ true virtue.  This little patient is brave and courageous and the cutest little girl.  Her young mother explained that even at the most difficult times her daughter has shown her bravery.  
Todays life lesson was not about my own issues / troubles or difficulties it was about learning from those around me and once again cancer has introduced me to some awesome people.  
Monday 10/10/11
Today was my 6th radiation, which was followed by seeing the radiation oncologist.  Honestly, I am feeling more comfortable with the routine.  My skin is holding up well my discomfort is currently limited to shooting sharp pains in my breast and increasing fatigue.  
As Matt and I waited for the car to be brought back from valet parking - we were approached by a valet attendant who told us that this morning the attendant who parked the car had a small accident.  I don’t know what he hit but he caused damage to the front bumper and above the drivers side wheel wells were both damaged (front and back) and the drivers side panels were shifted back -- now there is a clicking when the drivers side door is opened.  Overall the accident was pretty shocking.  According to the attendant the parking lot will reach out to me to coordinate the repairs -- more to come on that.  
Video I took of the door closing - shows the shifted panel

U-verse has a health and fitness section on their free rentals  and today I also had my first yoga class.  The great thing about doing the class at home is that I can learn things at my own pace in my own home.  I expect to go to a class soon - for now I would like to  learn the poses and transitions a little better before going to a class.  
Sunday 10/9/11
Today I was hoping that Matt and I could go for a motorcycle ride and a run.  Unfortunately it rained on and off all day.  Rain is good news for us because it has been so dry in Houston, but it meant that we didn’t ride our motorcycles or run.  I usually am very excited about running in the rain - but my markings would absolutely disappear in this much rain.  So this rain resulted in a very relaxing day at home, which was actually really nice.  
Storm does not like rainy days
(pretty ironic since his name is Storm)

I had to take a picture of the polygamy porter I saw at the grocery store
Love the slogan "Why have just one"

Saturday 10/8/11
The day begin very early -- I am now accustom to waking up early.  I had my 3rd guitar lesson today and it was a lot of fun, I have learned a few more chords and am really excited about eventually playing an entire song.  The room I get my lesson in has carpet on the walls - while it improves the acoustics, it makes for a cozy feeling.  Below is a picture of me during todays lesson.  

Me at my guitar lesson :)

Matt and I spent the afternoon running errands and on the way home we saw the following man on a corner outside the galleria mall.  I don’t believe in or condone begging for money but I couldn’t help but take a picture of this guy.  

This guy was begging for money in the Galleria
Sign says "Cancer Help If You Can"

The early evening consisted of lightning / thunder and scattered showers.  Matt and I decided to catch a movie “50/50” the latest movie about cancer and on our way into the theater we ran into a few friends; Mo and Kenny.  They were also on their way to see this movie.  We made our way to the theater and the 5 pm showing had very few people in for this showing.  We were making our way through the commercials, when suddenly the screen went black and the lights came on.  We spent quite a bit of time talking when the theater manager came to say there was a power outage but an update would be provided soon.  After another 15 or 20 minutes he returned to say that the power was still out and they weren’t expecting it to be repaired anytime soon.  We would be getting a ticket good for a movie to be used whenever we want.  Honestly, we still talked for a while longer because we hadn’t seen Mo and Kenny for so long that it was nice to catch up.  We eventually left and while we didn’t see the movie it was really nice to catch up with friends.  
Friday 10/7/11
Today I had my 5th treatment and it has been a very long week.  I don’t quite feel tired from the treatment, as much as I feel tired from the new schedule and the stress that comes along with living life.  I am hoping that as time passes I will adjust to the new schedule. 
I have been on a bit of a discovery movie kick and I recently watched 2 movies: 1)  “Babies” which was about several babies around the world - cool movie and 2) “Born Free” which followed a lion from being a cub to having cubs of her own.  I really enjoyed watching these movies and highly recommend them.

Thursday 10/6/11 
Today I had my 4th treatment and the radiation team will start using permanent marker to maintain my markings.  This is exciting!
Throughout treatment I have been lucky enough to meet a lot of very special people - among them my volunteer from CanCare.  It has been great to have someone to talk to who I could relate to.  We met today for lunch and during lunch I gave her a SuperMonkey Scarf as a token of gratitude for the support she has supplied.  
Picture of Amy while we were at lunch today

Amy and I together while at lunch

In celebration of the new markings (made of permanent marker), Matt and I went for a run at the park.  The good news is that the markings held up well.  
Self Portrait before our run today

Wednesday 105/11
Today was my 3rd day of radiation and after radiation I saw my radiation oncologist.  The doctor examines my skin and if I develop a reaction to the radiation the doctor will prescribe the appropriate medication (lotion / ointment).
I have a confession - I have been very frustrated about the fact that the marker was paint based and ran easily ... making it difficult if not impossible to exercise and keep my markings in tact.  This combined with very busy days at work has really stressed me out.    So I shared a few frustrations with the doctor.  The doctor agreed to start using a permanent marker instead of the paint marker.  This change will keep the marks from running and allow me to work out.  I am excited and will bring a permanent marker in tomorrow.  

Picture of the machine that administers my radiation
with my body mold

Monday 10/3/11
Interesting enough I found myself nervous about starting radiation this morning.  I think when I started chemo I was motivated and aggressive about my desire to eliminate cancer from my body.  I saw the chemo as a necessary evil that I had to endure to serve cancer the eviction notice it needed.  
At this point my body still feels weak from the chemo and surgery and here I am 9 months after embarking on this journey, starting radiation means that I am moving closer to the end of my treatment.  
Today’s treatment took a total of 30 minutes.  My arm fell asleep about 5 /10 minutes into laying in my body mold.  I understand from the radiation techs that it is normal for patients arm to fall asleep while laying in this position.  
The routine will be the same as it was today each time I return for treatment:

  1. Arrive to my radiation machine
  2. Change into a hospital gown
  3. Lay in my body mold 
  4. Radiation techs align my body per the treatment plan
  5. X-Rays are taken and fused with the CT Scan taken during my simulation (guaranteeing that I am appropriately aligned for treatment)
  6. Radiation is done (at 4 different entry points) the machine rotates around me to administer the treatment
  7. Upon conclusion of the treatment I am cleared to change back into my clothes
The treatment will be the same everyday and once a week I will see my radiation oncologist after my treatment.   My doctor was out of town today so I will not see him until later this week.  
The rest of the day consisted of a full day of work and a very relaxed evening.  Not bad for day 1 of radiation treatment.  
Stay tuned for more SuperMonkey Adventures,
AKA:  SuperMonkey

"Do not impose on others what you yourself do not desire."
 - Confucius

Sunday, October 2, 2011

October 2, 2011

Sunday 10/2/11
Matt left for a business trip very early today.  I have had a very relaxing day, I slept in and did very little.  Tomorrow morning is my first radiation treatment and I have to be there pretty early in the morning so I will be going to bed pretty early tonight.  
Saturday 10/1/11
With the no sweat restriction still in effect I have specific activities that I have to avoid.  Matt went to the track and an entire day at the track is something that would cause way too much sweating -- so I didn’t go with him.  Instead I drove up later after my guitar lesson.  Todays lesson was awesome - I learned the first few chords to a song “Free Falling” by Tom Petty.  This is super exciting and my teacher and I talked about what kind of music I would like to learn :)
I ran a few errands and then went to the track to see Matt.  He went to Grand Sport Speedway in Hitchcock, TX, which is a little over an hour away.  The weather is starting to improve -- I think it hovered around 85 while I was there - which is a welcomed relief over the intolerable weather from this summer.  After visiting for a few hours I headed home and relaxed.  Not sweating is actually a lot of work. :)

My Self Portrait at Grand Sport Speedway Track
Video of Matt at the Track
Matt is on his Black Ducati HyperMotard in his white riding suit

October is breast cancer awareness month, Susan Komen had a race for the cure in Houston (which I did not attend due to the heat and the sweating).  In Massachusetts my Father-In-Law attended a Ride for the Cure in New Hampshire, above 250 motorcycles and rain.  He met quite a few people who have been impacted by breast cancer and he sent a few pictures. 
  1. He met a couple who own a Pink “Fight For The Cure” Fire Truck, they take it to all Fight Cancer events they are able, in order to show support.  He shared my story with the woman who owns it and she handed him a marker and said “Pick out a spot and that spot will be Nancy’s forever.”
  2. He also met another lady, her daughter and her husband.  She is a cancer survivor and had a double mastectomy 17 yrs ago.  She also rides a harley and he describes her as full of happiness and life.  He shared my story with her and she wanted him to tell me that she sends me a big “fight like a girl hug”.  
Larry - Thanks for being such an incredible father-in-law and a fabulous person.  It is completely true that my family and friends have helped me be as strong as possible in this time.  
Larry with his Harley :)

Pink "Fight For The Cure" Fire Truck

Larry's Dedication
Super Sweet :)

Friday 9/30/11
Since my simulation I have been waiting to start radiation and this afternoon I was scheduled to go in for my “films”.  A series of x-rays that are taken and fused with the CT Scan taken during my simulation.  This process is supposed to be very easy and quick - or at least that is what I was told.  I laid down in my body mold (which was cast during my simulation and they started the process.  After about 15 min my left arm started to fall asleep and the radiation tech kept coming in and out of the room.  Each time she would say we are almost done.  After 25 min I felt like my arm fell asleep again and started to hurt pretty bad.  The tech continued to come in and out and said we were almost done, I reminded her that she said this before, of course she scurried away and didn’t care that I was in pain.  After approximately 45 - 60 min we were done, but my arm was asleep and hurt so bad I could barely think about anything else.  The radiation tech assured me that treatments will not take this long, the initial films require the most pictures.  
We reviewed the process I will go through each day when I return for treatment.  I discussed with them my concern over the fact that I miss working out, but I don’t think I can keep my marks in tact while sweating through a workout.  They advised that I hold off and avoid working out during the weekend, but that the week days might be better since they will touch up my markings each time I come in.  This is sorta sad because I have the most work out time and energy during the weekend (but I will figure it out).
I also asked more about what places on my body will be radiated.  I was told that because I will have “Image Guided Therapy” I will actually have several spots where my skin may react to the treatment: 1) Several spots on my left side, 2) Spots between my breasts, 3)  My entire left breast, 4) Above my left breast / collar bone and 5) On my back.  I will have a better idea of how my skin will react after the first few treatments.  
Wednesday 9/28/11
I still haven’t started radiation and my markings have started to fade.  I was scheduled to come back into the doctors office to be remarked.  The biggest issue I have is that the markings fade overnight while I sleep, which of course can not be avoided.  The radiation techs remarked me and added more tape to keep my markings in place, which should help.  
Self Portrait of my markings on my way to get them redone
(the sticker in the center is totally smudged)

Sunday 9/25/11
Today Matt and I celebrated our 12 year anniversary.  As long as it is still hot outside the options for how to celebrate are limited.  Matt and I went out to lunch at Zoe’s Kitchen and then went to the movies.  I love movies, but this one was really bad, “Straw Dogs”.  It was not a feel good anniversary movie or even a well done horror movie, I do not recommend watching this movie.  Matt and I contemplated watching another movie while we were there - because we were in between afternoon and evening showings.  We ended the day with a relaxed evening at home.  
Matt and I have always had a strong relationship and through this last year it has strengthened in a way I never knew possible.  This anniversary is a good reminder for me to be appreciative of the relationship I have with Matt.  I am lucky to have such a great partner / team mate / friend through this the most important challenge in my life.  
Picture of me at Lunch
(taken by Matt)

Matt and I at the movies (that is one yellow picture)

Saturday 9/24/11
Today I had my first guitar lesson.  It makes me laugh every time I think of myself playing the guitar because I have never been musically inclined.  While I played the violin in elementary school, the violin isn’t something I have been very interested in or very good at as an adult.  My goal is to learn to play a few popular songs that people could sing along to.  I did a few introductory lessons on line - but quickly realized that I need a live teacher in order to learn what I need to know.  
Yahoo for music :)
Since my last update I have been patiently waiting to begin radiation.  In the meantime trying not to sweat, or do anything that might disturb my markings, which has actually been challenging.  
Stay tuned for more SuperMonkey Adventures,
AKA:  SuperMonkey
“Everyone has difficult years, but a lot of times the difficult years end up being the greatest years of your whole entire life, if you survive them.”
 - Brittany Murphy