Wednesday, May 18, 2011

May 18, 2011

Wednesday 5/18/11
Today was a normal day at work - when I received a call from my Plastic Surgeons' office stating that due to a recent change in her surgery schedule the doctor would not be able to see me tomorrow as originally planned.  They asked if I could instead come in late this afternoon for my initial consult / to discuss my treatment plan.
The experience of completing the required paperwork to see a plastic surgeon is unlike any other experience I have had ... lots of language about the elective nature of the visit related to responsibility for payment (language explaining that if not approved by the insurance company I am responsible for paying for basically everything).  I was met with a very pleasant surprise in the room - the robe you wear is an actual robe (pink terry-cloth material, not paper and not cheap) much more soothing and comforting then the what you feel when you are dressed in paper.       
Super Happy in a Cloth Robe
The doctor walked in while Matt and I were in a full on belly laugh from some ridiculous thing one of us had just said.  I don't think this is the normal tone the doctor walks in on.  She said "wow it is fun in here" and Matt responded "always".  
The doctor was very patient in discussing / reviewing all the variables that go into planning the next steps:  Surgery Type (lumpectomy vs mastectomy, nipple sparing vs not), Additional Treatment Needs (Radiation in my case), Future Needs (plans to have children or not) and lastly Age (which in my case is young).  
The visit went very smoothly and I feel confident that I am in good hands and that this doctor is completely capable of providing the type of care I want / need;  Non-nonsense, roll up your selves and get healthy attitude.  Both Matt and I were struck by the compassion and kindness we felt from everyone we met; the receptionist, the nurse, the Physicians Assistant and the Plastic Surgeon.  
I have specific instructions for pre-operative testing and directions on medication to avoid prior to surgery.  Overall the experience was very positive, warm, compassionate and even fun.  I know that is not what you would expect from a plastic surgery consult - but I have learned something about the tone I experience with each medical provider.  I am very much myself - and while having cancer is what has lead me to all these doctors and nurses, it does not define who I am or the attitude I have towards life.  It is merely a diagnosis and while I will always be a Cancer Survivor I will Not Always Have Cancer!!.  
I will say this - to date everyone I have encountered has almost ignored my age - saying we just have to treat the cancer and work on getting better.  This attitude is something I whole-heartedly agree with.  But today I met the first doctor who was truly perplexed by my diagnosis given my age and my lack of family history (risk factors).  She asked more probing questions about possible exposure that may have lead to such a young diagnosis.  It really validates what I have experienced to date - the diagnosis and treatment of Breast Cancer is really geared to a more mature patient.  It does sadden me to think that there are other young women out there who maybe struggling to find the "healthiest way" to approach and deal with their own Breast Cancer diagnosis.  I hope it isn't always this way.  I hope we can do more to make the process more palpable for young healthy people.  My top questions for the plastic surgeon today were focused on returning to fun activities such as: running, biking, racing and motorcycle riding - she pacified me by saying that they want me to walk and do things -- but running and biking will come later (maybe 6 weeks post operation) with a clear disclaimer that everyone is different and it could take longer, I had to remind myself that she doesn't know me, I am SuperMonkey.   :) 
Well all week I have been anticipating this visit and I am really happy with how it has gone.  It really does make me grateful for living in Houston (which is recognized for some of the best Cancer Care today).  
Matt and I celebrated with a Beer and a Burger at "The Broken Spoke Cafe" on Washington Blvd.  I haven't been here for a burger since December (before I was diagnosed) and while I could only half way taste the burger or the beer I still enjoyed myself as Matt and I toasted to one another and the fabulous care I have been lucky enough to receive.  

Stay tuned for more SuperMonkey Adventures,
AKA:  SuperMonkey

“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.”
 - Author Unknown 


  1. Nancy, Simply stated...."you are providing your medical providers with the opportunity to smile when you leave the room". and, you deserve to wear a soft, fluffy robe and eat hamburgers! Love you, Larry

  2. Hi Nancy, Not sure if you remember me, I'm Greg Sheldon's wife (Matt's AB colleague). I'm glad to read you both still have your sense of humor! Just wanted to let you know you are still in our thoughts and prayers. Since I have some free time this week, I'd be happy to drop off some dinner or anything else you might need. Email me at and take me up on this! I'm make some pretty good enchiladas...
    -Melissa Sheldon

  3. we have mutual friends who thought we should hook up - greg and melissa. i'm a young bc survivor here in houston as well. if you have any questions about upcoming reconstruction (my most recent revision was three weeks ago) or whatever feel free to contact
